sBTC Developer Release (0.1)

The sBTC Developer Release (sBTC DR) facilitates the complete deposit and withdrawal processes of sBTC, simulating the core mechanics of the sBTC system in the form of a singular service.

This release includes an asset contract alongside a dedicated binary. Primarily designed for use on testnet or local development networks. While it's technically possible for anyone to deploy the sBTC DR on the mainnet, it's not recommended due to its developmental nature.

Upon activation, the sBTC DR binary takes charge: it deploys the asset contract and actively monitors sBTC operations. When a deposit request comes in, the system mints the corresponding sBTC tokens to the specified address. Similarly, upon a withdrawal request, it burns the requisite sBTC tokens and promptly processes the withdrawal, transferring the designated BTC amount to the intended recipient.

graph TD;
  A[User] --> B[Deposit Request];
  A --> C[Withdrawal Request];
  D[sBTC DR Binary] --> F[Listen to sBTC Operations];
  B --> G[Mint sBTC Tokens];
  C --> H[Burn sBTC Tokens];
  H --> J[Send BTC to Recipient];

  classDef userStyle fill:#f9d457,stroke:#f28482;
  classDef operationStyle fill:#bee3db,stroke:#2a9d8f;
  classDef processStyle fill:#f4a261,stroke:#e76f51;
  class A userStyle;
  class B,C operationStyle;
  class D,F,G,H,I,J processStyle;
  class E operationStyle;

sBTC Developer release reference implementation plan

The reference implementation of the sBTC developer release, codenamed Alpha Romeo, is currently under implementation in this repository. Every piece of functionality that is being worked on is formulated as issues with the [sBTC DR] prefix and alpha-romeo label.

For anyone interested in tracking the high-level progress of the Alpha Romeo work, these key issues should provide a good view in how things are progressing.

  1. Implement the deposit flow #67
  2. Implement the withdrawal flow #68
  3. Containerize and deploy the release #85
  4. Ensure the bridge is compatible with the latest release #86
  5. Write developer docs for the release #77

The sBTC contract has be deployed on the Stacks testnet at ST1R1061ZT6KPJXQ7PAXPFB6ZAZ6ZWW28G8HXK9G5.asset-3.

In sBTC 0.1, the deposit and withdrawal transactions are processed by a central authority (CA). The flow is as follows:

    actor AB as Alice-BTC
    participant CB as CA-BTC
    participant CS as CA-STX
    actor AS as Alice-STX
    CS ->> CS: deploys contract
    Note over AB, AS: BTC tx before contract deployment are ignored.
        AB ->> CB: sends BTC (deposit)
        CB ->> CS: processes BTC tx
        CS ->> AS: mints sBTC
        AB ->> CB: sends dust (withdrawal)
        CB ->> CS: processes BTC tx
        CS ->> AS: burns sBTC
        CB ->> AB: sends BTC (fullfilment)

Web app

Bridge on Testnet

A web interface for the sBTC contract on Stacks testnet is available at

The web app allows to deposit and withdraw btc from the sbtc wallet. It also provides a list of recent deposit and withdrawal transactions.

Demo application

An open source application written with next.js is availble at This application allows to lend sBTC as well as to deposit and withdraw btc. It is used in the end to end tutorial.

Wallet support

These applications use sbtc SDK library that works with Leather wallet version 6.11+.

sBTC cli

See README of the sbtc repo for commands to create and broadcast deposit and withdrawal bitcoin transactions.


There is a public API server for the most common tasks in the context of sBTC. Developers can use this API create deposit and withdrawal request, get information about btc transactions, etc.

Documention is available at


stacks.js has added support for sBTC deposit and withdrawal requests. Current work in progress can be seen at stacks.js/feat/add-sbtc-contracts.

The package is published on npmjs.